So many kids tv shows at the moment incorporate a good guy and a bad guy. Many incorporate weapons of one kind or another. There is a lot of emphasis on action and fighting or on 'mean' behaviours. Kids emulate all of this in class; name-calling, allocating the 'bad guy' role to someone (usually ending in tears), children hitting other children etc. This can make life difficult unnecessarily difficult for educators, and unnecessarily polarising for kids.
This show is a breath of fresh air! The character of Stillwater is wise and calm, always allowing the children to form their own conclusions-the stereotypical notion of 'tell them where to look but not what to see'. The children have age-appropriate dialogue and real-world dilemmas but learn through story-telling how to resolve their troubles. No bad guy, no good guy, no weapons, no fighting. Just a wholesome show that is so aesthetically beautiful that it will have wide appeal. I'd recommend to those as young as toddlers to those in early-middle primary school. In saying that, even my adult self really enjoyed it!
Worth a watch.