-Title: Uncharted 2. -Rating: 16/RP. -Director: Amy Henning.
A Summary:
Uncharted 2 is a perfect mix of action, puzzles, funny moments, and multiplayer, You play as Nathan Drake, Who is basically the personality and sense of humour of John mcClane (Die Hard), The Charm of Indiana Jones, The gun-slinging-ness of James Bond, and The Climbing talents of Lara Croft (Tomb Raider), Faith (Mirror's Edge), Ezio Auditiore (Assasin's Creed 2), and Altiar (Assasin's Creed) rolled into one.
This game has LOADS of characters, some old, some new, and all brilliant, the voice acting is spot on, and you will never find friendlies running into your line of fire.
An awesome frame rate, excellently smooth 720p graphics, and Bright colours, along with the same wet engine (your clothes get saturated when you decide to take a swim) and with a new snow engine,(you get coated in snow, then it melts, and then your wet)
Plus, all environments are colourful and interactive.
Handy things/fun gizmos:
There is a machinima mode that lets you create films with the characters (check out "Drakes Ps3" on YOUtube for a brilliant example)
There is Lip-syncing, meaning what you say moves the character's mouth.
26 story-mode levels, (26!!) and loads of maps online.
Many varied online modes, Eg: Plunder (C.T.F with a small, heavy golden statue)
There are also co-op modes, but, instead of playing the story mode, you play in segments.
There is a costume select in the online mode, from Jeff to Skeletons and everything in between!
There is even an Uncharted 2 Twitter account built INTO THE GAME that lets you post your progress through the game.
Critisisms: Very few, I found that online, many times you can be shooting at an enemy, yet they never seem to die, there is a martyrdom-esquire perk called Revenge, (I think thats what its called) The characters online, and in the single-player costume select, don't get wet. This happened to me once, I was demoted because I quit an online match early, going from rank 7, back to rank 1, thats quite a harsh punishment, for such a small accident.
I loved this game, and I've gotten over some of the criticisms, and the game has a lot of replay value, so, if you'll excuse me, I'm getting ready for my 5th playthrough of Uncharted 2: AMONG Thieves, on crushing. I give Uncharted 2 a well-deserved 10/10
Critic: Mike