2021 thriller drama film directed by Venezuelan filmmaker Lorenzo Vigas. It was selected to compete for the Golden Lion at the 78th Venice International Film Festival and as a Venezuelan nominee for Best International Feature Film at the 95th Academy Awards.
About Rotten Tomatoes "A perfectly disturbing film, The Box tackles its delicate themes with wit and empathy." The movie he commented on was bought by The Match Factory / Mubi.
The film, which is still running at festivals, is broadcast in Turkey via Mubi in 4K.
The desert, which is the theme of the movie, is actually the desert of emotions that cause our hero to go on a journey.
It is the void of a son collecting the remains of his supposedly deceased father, one of many unnamed dead buried in mass graves in Mexico...
Hatzin Navarrete, the leading actress, gives an excellent acting performance in the movie, which makes you feel the proverb "Death is in life, life is in death."