OK, I've come to expect little from these movies. Formulaic, predictable, plot holes galore, and with endings that wrap things up way too easily, leaving plots lines unresolved, all after the last commercial break. Paint-by-numbers, as it were. Even the titles are reusable: "Deadly (something)", "Killer (something)", "Psycho (something)", and of course, "The Wrong (something)", just to name a few.
But this was just jaw-dropping bad. The plot made no sense at all, and it got more convoluted and illogical as it went along. I'm used to maniacal bad guys in these movies, too, and they are often fun to watch as you wait for their ultimate defeat. The ones in this movie are too over the top (which is saying a lot for these movies), as they overact and behave in ways that make no sense whatsoever.
Most of these movies are somewhat fun to watch, not to be taken seriously. Even some of the presenters that once in a while talk about the movies kind of make fun of them, obviously telling the audience not to take them seriously. Unfortunately, you don't have the opportunity to have tongue-in-cheek fun with this one. It is so bad that all you can do is cringe.
I know Lifetime and the production companies it uses pump out about 100 or more movies a year, so you can't expect great production values or writing, but this one should never have been made. It would not have been missed.
As an aside, I wonder why there are so many cheerleader movies made for Lifetime and LMN? I wouldn't think they would fit the Lifetime audience demographic, but they must, since more are made all the time.