This Italian TV series is by Ferzan Özpetek and Gianni Romoli and inspired by the 2001 film of the same name directed by the same Turkish director. I have been a fan of every film he has been associated with and this 8 part series is superb in every sense of the word.
The Ignorant Angels are the ones we meet and don't recognize, but who change our life. They are not from fairy tales, because they tell lies and far from perfect. They can be ignorant, outspoken, even obnoxious at times but they don't lie about their feelings. The Ignorant Angels are all those who live in the open, who live their feelings, and are not afraid to manifest them. They are the people who speak outright, who live their own contradictions and who ignore the strategies. Often they pass for ignorant, because they seem boorish, and intrusive for their lack of good manners. But they are also very often fairies, because they are capable of performing the miracle of overwhelming us. Forcing us to make a change in our life. I do hope there is a season two as I miss them already.