Polish cinema is daring and has no regard for losses. Director Patryk VEGA in particular goes very far in terms of sex and violence in his films. First of all, this has to be very respected, but it can quickly become too hype-like and become an end in itself. Almost as a provocation for the sake of provocation!
This film about the internationally networked child slave trade has some very violent and extremely unpleasant scenes, the exploitation of which can certainly be criticized. Thematically and dramatically, the film also takes its role models from "The Promise / It Happened in Broad Daylight" based on the crime novel by the Swiss writer Friedrich DÜRRENMATT and the similar crime film "Abschaum" from the German crime film series TATORT from 2004. Patryk VEGA just goes a few steps further, always to where it is particularly painful. The man is not afraid of rumors! I would like to see a little more of this in German cinemas too!
The film sold more than 400,000 tickets in Polish cinemas. However, only those who are seriously interested in the topic and can endure a lot should watch streaming.