I had never even heard about this 2022 horror movie titled "8 Found Dead" from writer Jonathan Buchanan and director Travis Greene prior to stumbling upon it by random luck here in 2024. And given my love of the horror genre, of course I opted to give this movie a fair chance.
Well, if you enjoy offbeat movies then you're in for a treat here, because writer Jonathan Buchanan definitely put together something that was refreshingly unique. And thus, "8 Found Dead" was not just another run-of-the-mill horror movie crammed with jump scares to get a reaction out of the audience. While the storyline was rather bizarre, I must say that I actually found it to be adequately entertaining.
While the movie wasn't crammed with an abundance of familiar actors and actresses, I will say that the cast ensemble was nicely cast, and they definitely had some good talents to participate in the movie. The only performers I was familiar with were William Gabriel Grier and Jenny Tran.
Visually then, and while the movie wasn't heavily relying on special effects, then the effects were fair and served their purpose well enough.
"8 Found Dead" is worth sitting down and checking out if you want something that deviates from the usual horror tropes.
My rating of director Travis Greene's 2022 movie "8 Found Dead" lands on a five out of ten stars.