This past year + some months has been a strain for all of us &, although the topic of mental health/wellness is a very welcome one, I just couldn't relate to most of these people. It's very difficult to feel sorry for the most privileged among us when none are dealing with poverty, physical illness, abusive relationships or job loss that so many of the rest of us are. Disappointingly, none seem to have completely overcome their trauma & issues either. What hope is there for the rest of us, who don't have access to therapists & support, let alone top notch therapists like these people have? Prince Harry seems an odd choice for this - he's not particularly well-spoken, seems stuck in the past & has an axe to grind with his family. Many of us have family issues but are astute enough to realize that public attacks & smears do not serve any purpose but to wound & alienate those who we supposedly love the most. The place for this is the therapist's office, in private. It's inappropriate & damaging, especially since he's criticizing not just any family, but the British Royal Family! There's a reason the British Monarchy has survived for 1000 years - they retain a mystique. Harry sure missed that vital point. At the very least, he could have articulated his struggles without pointing fingers & blaming his family. Once we are adults, we must take personal responsibility for our actions & behaviours - Harry isn't doing that after 4 years of therapy & it's long past time he did so.