Jeremy Wade hosts River Monsters and boy does he know what he's talking about. This guy is sharp, multilingual and a great fisherman. Its so refreshing to see a reality host know his stuff and be able to interact so well with both the fish and the local guides, ranging from Tilanders to Amazons to Africans to Alaskans.
So whats the show? Well, each week Wade begins the show by investigating a rumor or myth about a freshwater creature. This bit is a kinda dull for me due to the cheesy editing that seems to insist that the viewers get pointless shots of pointless reenactments of disaster. Why do reality shows insist on doing this? So unnecessary when you have such great content otherwise.
Rant over. So Wade investigates and goes all over the world to find these beasts. As mentioned before, he has command of several languages and to see him investigating by himself w/ only a camera man in a foreign land is way cool. Finally, he tries to catch the river monster and this bit rocks. No question Wade is in his element and eager to find the result and do you know what? He does catch most of these crazy creatures. To see him holding a giant catfish or stingray that he JUST CAUGHT ON FILM during a long battle is super cool. Watch the show. When he says at the beginning that he's an "Extreme angler" he's telling the true.