Hi...I recently finished watching Psychology based webseries on Prime "Sebastian Fitzek's Therapy - Season1". Its amazing. Its surely complicated and has events which keeps going in past and present frequently, the way our brain keeps recalling and act very quickly. You might feel leaving it in-between due to complexity. But just hold the patience for a while.
It gives interesting insights of how our Conscious level of mind/brain responds to things happening around, has impact of or drivers coming from Subconscious and Unconscious level of mind/brain. Sometimes we may not be able to identify what is really driving responses and reaction in current environment but this Webseries tracks it down to peep deep into both Subconscious and Unconscious level of mind/brain, to correct the Conscious level of mind/brain.
Though the event discovered at the end of this Webseries is the key context of this Webseries, we call it Climax. But you can look at this as indicating context to find our own or someone else's contexts which possibly are driving our/their current Conscious level of mind/brain i.e. The Responses/Reactions of our own or people around.
Its a journey of following the Shadows to find the Good and Bad Characters playing in our deep in mind/brain which brings the show on the stage of Responses/Reactions.
I liked one dialogue from this Web Series i.e. "the more you try to hold things inside (unresolved), it will make you more uncomfortable and ill"