The film is extremely difficult to watch due to Malachi Pullar-Latchman's portrayal of D'Artagnan, a 17th-century French character, which is a glaring undeniable case of cultural appropriation. His casting undermines the movie's credibility for anyone who values cultural integrity. It would be equally inappropriate to cast an African actor as a Jewish character from Israel, a white Canadian actor as a 17th-century African king, an Australian actor as a Chinese warrior, a Japanese actor as Romeo, or a southern American to play a North Korean soldier. Anyone with a basic understanding of 17th-century France would have recognized that this casting choice was misguided. Social integrity is truly tested when people begin to feel it's acceptable to appropriate other cultures. Clearly the filmmakers and actor felt this cultural violation is socially acceptable, so why not? While some may tolerate such decisions in the short term, roles filled by cultural appropriators will eventually be regarded with the same revulsion as blackface. Poor acting, poor writing, subpar cinematography, this film is a flat out disappointing and frustrating experience. Its lack of cultural authenticity and quality makes it not worth the time.