Game shows range from daft to extremely good. I'd say pointless was both, on the surface it seems a daft idea, but when you've watched it a few shows, it really works, and the concept feels like a rare piece of TV inspiration, absolutely brilliant original idea for a show, and there is tons of quiz mileage in it, it could run and run.
Then you have the choice of presenters. Have to say at first this put me off watching it for ages. I briefly looked in, didn't really know what it was or understand what they were doing, looked at the question setter guy sitting down and thought 'Oh no, this is far too dry for me'. Armstrong didn't do a lot for me at the time either. Well, opinions can change because after finally getting into it, I think they are fantastic together, dry and formal yes but very witty and often really funny together. Osman is Stephen Fry like in his knowledge and wit, but drier, probably sharper and nowhere near as smug about it. I think he's a great find and would like to see him on some more panel shows. Armstrong is just a natural frontman, very clear and concise, warm and friendly. What's surprised me is how funny he can be too, as I was never really convinced by his more overt comedy routines.
This show has stiff competition from some great gameshows like Millionaire, Weakest Link and Eggheads but I think this is the best of the lot, inventive, very entertaining, humorous and stupidly addictive. It's a cracker. Oh and the celebrity specials they do are a scream, with these two upright, slightly nerdy looking, well spoken chaps quietly sitting or standing there in ridiculous outfits. Absolute belter of a show, really! Do give it a go, if you've avoided it like I did, it's well worth getting into.