After Bandersnatch, Netflix partners with WWE to make another attempt at making an experimental Interactive movie. The basic plot is The New Day trying to get the The Undertaker's urn without getting their souls taken.
Undertaker in his prime was the best thing ever. Back when I was still a big WWE fan, whenever his theme came up, I felt some kind of chills down my spine. He was such a menace and everyone is excited about him. I still remembered trying to do many of his iconic poses and pretending to do the Tombstone Piledriver and Chokeslam.
Of course, now the Undertaker is very old, and it's clear that he was in no shape to wrestle. Nowadays, whenever he returns to WWE, I know that WWE must be desperate for some fan hype. Unfortunately, this was reflected in this interactive movie. It hurt to see him looking so old and not menacing at all.
This was also due to the horrible editing and cheap look of the movie. They tried very hard to limit the fighting, and instead making the scenes looked lame and disorienting. Also, the acting from the New Day members and Undertaker himself were pretty bad and unconvincing. Guess they need to work more on their promo speeches.
The interactive aspect was simple and not creative enough. There's rarely any scenario that make me struggle to choose between options. This is mostly due to the straightforward and boring storyline. In Bandersnatch, the plot was very good, so the options were tougher to choose.
Overall, I know that this is more of an experiment, but I had little enjoyment out of it despite being a fan of WWE. 4/10.