I give credit to the filmmakers for making something of what looks like nearly a ZERO budget. 3 teens in a cow-crap kicking town are bored, and decide to "kill" someone. The film is an A-Z step-by-step process from the time they decide to kill someone (out of boredom for the most part) to the deed itself. I give props to the film for its creativity and covering ground that hasn't been touched on a lot, my only complaint is the movie can get a bit BORING at times. And other then the cameraman, the teens are genuinely UNLIKEABLE (probably the filmmaker's intent, but I haven't wanted to SMACK someone through the screen as much as the wannabe-killer blond chick).
I wouldn't label this film a "horror" movie, more of a suspenseful "mockumentary" slightly in the vain of The Blair Witch Project without dripping boogers & silly stickmen. The movie slows to a crawl at times, but its worth a watch. Just don't go in expecting a run-of-the-mill slasher flick or buckets of gore.