This show is really impressive. It's British and set in the mileu of black Londoners of varying classes and backgrounds. The characters are varied and interesting and the performances are outstanding.
The story moves along at a steady pace without awkwardly slamming on the brakes to tell people's backstory, like so many other shows. Having the individuals discover their powers as the story unfolds keeps it interesting.
The language is almost entirely black London patois, so I'm glad I've got subtitles switched on, but I don't find this at all distracting - in fact it adds to the seeming authenticity of it.
The cinematography is concise, effective, and unobtrusive, and it avoids the shaky-cam faux-journalistic style that makes so many shows unintelligible.
The way that the main characters work together is very deftly handled and the clash of cultures and motivations is always plausible and never jarring.
The fact that it's English, and not a bunch of Californians mugging for the camera is really a fresh take. I can't stop bingeing it.