Considering the story is quite a fascinating one, this could have – OK, should have, been better. For starters, it felt like a re-enactment rather than an actual film or a documentary, which wasn't great. The acting is actually OK, there are no moments of brilliance and it's far from great, but you can tell the cast (for the most part) kind of knew what they were doing. The camera work is pretty bad, awkward shots, unnecessary use of slow motions and, colour filters and... well, quite boring. What keeps you watching, essentially, is the story itself. It's curious to see, to understand, how this couple managed to get away with this for as long as they did. Unfortunately the production just doesn't add anything to it – the script isn't great, the dialogue feels fake at times and the voice over is doesn't feel like it is adding anything or helping us understand more what's going on in the wife's head. This is definitely a story that should be told, but it probably could do with a bit more on the creative and production side of things. Adding a bit of drama and making it more engaging would maybe have gotten a few more viewers interested.