Ken and Barbie Killers: The Lost Tapes (2021), now streaming on MAX, is a chilling and heartbreaking documentary. It follows the shocking story of a seemingly perfect Canadian couple-blond, attractive, and happily married-who are, in reality, serial killers responsible for the kidnapping, torture, rape, and murder of teenage girls. When the wife decides to turn on her husband and report him, the question arises: will this end their reign of terror, or will it expose a deeper web of deceit?
Directed by Jim Nally (Madness in the Fast Lane), the documentary includes interviews with those close to the couple, legal experts, lawyers, jurors, friends, and family members, offering a comprehensive view of the case. The couple's heinous crimes are almost too shocking to comprehend, and the accounts of their victims' suffering are both horrifying and deeply tragic. The film does not shy away from the emotional weight of the story, making it a difficult but important watch. The courtroom drama that follows adds another layer of devastation as the extent of their depravity comes to light.
However, one flaw is the overuse of repetitive footage between segments, which can detract from the overall experience.
In conclusion, Ken and Barbie Killers: The Lost Tapes is a disturbing yet compelling documentary that exposes the depths of human evil. I would rate it 8/10 and strongly recommend it.