When I came across this DVD I thought, why not, this could not be that bad. I have seen flicks like Mega-Piranha and I enjoyed it a bit. And here we have Trey Stokes directing, a man who knows his stuff as a visual effects man, he worked for Species and Starship Troopers and be honest, not bad at all. But here in Moby Dick, it's one with a lot of yawning and this can't be happening. If you are even a fan of those SyFy trash flicks you will have your doubts of this one. The CGI is one of the worst I have seen. The script is written in two lines, line one, we have to kill Moby dick, line two, he can't be killed. Some scene's did indeed remind me of Mega Piranha, for example the helicopter scene but that must be the best part. On the DVD you have some gag reel and I enjoyed that part more than the flick itself. There are really some stupid things going on like the torpedo story at the end with two soldiers just waiting for impact and others trying to kill Moby with a shotgun. No I didn't enjoy it and I have seen creature features from all era's. Moby Dick was just a teaser to attract fans of the original one and the sleeve is influenced by Jaws but for the rest it was utterly a Moby Turkey, what a Dick he is.