This documentary doesn't add much to what generally is known. Though is several hours long it seems to omit the economic impact slavery had. If slavery had a value it must have been money and power. Would it be far fetched to deduce there is econimical reason why Lincoln wanted to free the slaves? Could it be this changed the power dynamic in favor of the North between the south and the north?
Lest also not forget that this Unified America is built on the economical gains it made from it's slavery. Bitter as this might be.
I am against slavery, racism and any abuse of humans, but also a realist. Even as I write this I realise that I am the child of the generation that came before me. And with child I mean the resulting product of the conduct of my forefathers.
A weighted insight into the human, economic and impact on the future, would have made this valuable and important documentary, alas it is not.