The name "Vegucated" sounds to me like a film that would give you a good education on the benefits of a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. I like the concept of introducing 3 people to such a wonderful way of living. Dr. Fuhrman made an appearance, checking their health and showed how their health improved in the short time they were on the program. The show also exposed many problems in some slaughterhouses, dairy and large organic farms, which is appreciated since I am now more likely to purchase meat from small local farms. It was definitely extremely politically slanted for farm animal rights. Its as if they expect you to be shocked at seeing animals who are bred for food to be killed for that purpose. Or that Americans who are only used to seeing animals already dead in the supermarket would not be able to cope with the idea that they were once alive and were killed whether humanely or not. They spent way too much time trying to convert the 3 subjects, and the viewers, into farm animal rights activists. They should have spent some time showing viewers examples of people who have been positively impacted by veganism such as having their cancer (or other terrible disease) cured just by changing their diet. A visit to Florida to see the 70-year old Annette Larkin who looks 35 would have really made this documentary kick, if they really wanted to give a true education about veganism and not just a farm animal rights activist propaganda program.