This brilliant gem of a short film explores one man's journey as he tries to escape his addiction to technology and reconnect with humanity and the natural world.
It's a really interesting and important idea for the modern times we live in and anyone who has ever thought technology is taking over our lives will enjoy this film, as will those who like sci-fi.
I was lucky enough to view this short at a private industry screening and was struck by Scott Mannion's masterfull direction, interesting and motivated shot design and striking, visionary imagery.
Loved the performances of the cast which really helped bring across the meaning intended by the director.
To be honest I had never heard of Scott Mannion before Anima, but can't wait to see what he does next - a very Terrance Malick quality to him.
I also thought Mike Molloy did a wonderful job with the Cinematography and loved the special effects! A great film that shows just what Australian film is capable of when they get it right. Highly recommend, Kelly.