Full disclosure, I am a fan of Strobel's "Case for Christ" and a true Christian who has been saved by the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ, so my expectations for this move were high. But this movie was a miss, not a hit.
While there are Believers who have interesting comments in the film, I wasn't expecting to listen to 'fair and balanced' personal viewpoints made by people who are not Christians. This movie was made from a vantage point that is ecumenical, and at times, secular.
A singer who was a "Believer" was featured; he abandoned his faith because, he admitted in a round about way he never truly was born again, and in his way of thinking, "His God" wouldn't send to people to Hell. Nothing original about that, straight from the Rob Bell School of Bad Theology. Why he was given a platform in this movie is bewildering. I guess to present another point of view?! Interesting, we get the alternative view, day in and day out by the vast majority of people who don't believe in God, Jesus, Sin, Heaven, or Hell. That viewpoint is everywhere, it is the norm in today's society, and it's clearly the broad path to destruction.
There is a focus on Strobel's marriage and family, which didn't fit well into the storyline nor made the case for Heaven.
Overall, the quality of the film was not good; the plot line was disjointed, and at times it seguayed toward the irrelevant. The movie wasn't well edited and clearly had a low budget. No, it didn't need to be a big production, but the sound track didn't even match the mouths of the speakers...pretty annoying.
I went to this movie with friends from my church; we were looking forward to seeing it together. If I hadn't been there with them I would have walked out at the halfway point because, lamentably, it lurched along from the dull to inane.
Sure, I'd still recommend this over a Marvel franchise movie, or any of the rubbish being produced by Hollywood today. But on it's merit alone, I can't recommend this movie. It's highly unlikely it will compel anyone to come to Christ or to look forward to the glorious eternity God has planned for those He loves and who believe in His Son.