The other reviews do a good job telling you the plot. I had seen the soundtrack for this film several times in the Thai record stores and was intrigued by the track list and artists who were involved. Otherwise I didn't know anything at all about the film. The album cover made me suspect it was a dumb teen comedy. But when I saw it listed in Thai Airways' AVOD system on a recent flight I decided to check it out. And I was very pleasantly surprised.
Far from being a dumb comedy (although there are plenty of funny moments) it's really one of those unrequited love triangles. And I love those kinds of films. I'm not ashamed to admit I shed more than a few tears. The acting is excellent, especially Ped. I imagine that for an actor playing that type of withdrawn, shy character must be a real challenge. And while the relationship between Ped and Ern seems to be the center, it's really the relationship between the boys, Ped and Koong that is what holds the film together. Their break up and reunion had a palpable realness to it that really hit me. Poor Ped just can't figure out how to ask for what he wants or needs from anyone. So he is a bit isolated. You feel really sad for him when he loses the girl and the boy.
The music is great. And I also enjoyed the cameos from the music stars. Definitely worth checking out!