"Michelle" (Kaylee DeFer) is a young woman who was recently involved in a deadly car accident which killed three of her friends. As a result she is in therapy in order to come to terms with her emotional trauma. After finally being able to open up and talk about her traumatic experiences she manages to acquire a job working for a company called "Darkroom Incorporated" which operates out of an isolated mansion. Now, rather than detail any more of the plot and risk spoiling the film for those who haven't seen it, I will just say that her new employers are keeping a very dark secret which she is totally unprepared for upon her arrival. Having said that, although this film had a couple of surprising scenes I can't say that I actually enjoyed the overall movie that much. Not only did I find the plot to be extremely crude and one-dimensional but I also thought that the talented cast was terribly wasted. Quite bluntly, it was torture to watch and I cannot think of any reason to recommend this movie to anyone. Definitely below average.