I'm not gonna lie...but I had little expectation from this movie...the actors were all new and the story looked similar to that of 1920 and movies of the (EXORCISM) theme... The movie was quite good....actually better than 1920 ....the acting could have been better(specially female lead(Mira)) but I understand ,all the actors were new and it was a job well done at last. The movie had some scares and amazing scenes ...but the best part of the movie was a beautiful love story amidst a disturbing horror tale.In fact, the strength and dominance of the love story overshadows the horror element at some occasions.This movie however, didn't forget to add a little Indian touch to it despite the fact that the director tried to make it look pretty Americanised.If 1920 was a classy horror movie....this was maybe classier and the 3D did nothing but adding positives to the movie. The soundtracks were awesome and the cinematography was classy like 1920. horror element-7/10 acting-5/10 script-8/10 direction-6/10 soundtrack-7/10 IN short, don't miss it...:)