This show is incredible! I ordered the book after just seeing 3 episodes. I'm a huge fan of the movie " Coherence " and this show just took it up a notch and more. Everything was just done perfectly. The actors and actresses expressions were on point. Joel Edgerton is an incredible actor, he played every version of the character to perfection. The sound effects used were excellent. The story is great and the way that they explained the concepts of SuperPosition and being in Luminal was phenomenal. The show explores parallel realities in a way no other movie or show has down before.
The concept of using ampules to enter luminal is sick because from a manifesting point of view the ampule is just removing your doubt and then you can shift between realities. So essentially if you remove your doubt you can enter luminal and then you're in SuperPosition. Many manifestation teachers have talked about the same thing (Parallel Realities) for years. It was awesome to see it visually in a show like this.
I can't wait to see what happens in the final episode. I hope they make another 5 seasons of this show.
Ryan, Amanda, And Leighton can each have an entire season just based on what they experienced after entering the box.