This is probably the shortest Turkish series that I have ever seen, weighing in at only 5 episodes and it was by far the deepest or most dramatic of this summer's offerings (2022). The first episode ends in a big reveal that had me wondering where is the series going to go from here. Episode two ends with our female lead finding out what the audience already knows in another big dramatic cliffhanger ending.
The series runners really knew how to pull the emotional chain. I found my self crying in just about every episode. This was set up in episode one with this great love story between college student Firuze and driver Kagan. Firuze lives a simple life with her close-knit family which includes only her two brothers (Feryat the older and Omer the younger). One day Firuze meets a young man Kagan on the ferry on her journey to school. He almost instantly falls in love and begins to pursue her. No sooner does he do this but his secrets come out and his family starts to wreck havoc with hers.
This is a pretty dramatic series and it deals with some serious subject matter including rape, homicide via drinking and driving, murder, mental illness, slander, physical violence and blackmail.
A big selling point of this series is that it is short at just five if you want to get your feet wet with a romantic Turkish drama, but aren't ready to commit to something bigger...this could be the series for you. Not my favorite Turkish drama out there, but I did enjoy the series and after episode one, thought they might have boxed themselves in with the I kept wondering how they were going to stick the romance with the obstacles that they put in place, but they managed. Not a light series, but if you are ok with sadness or in need of a good cry...the acting is great and I would recommend this series.