Prominent Director AJ Cross has come out with his latest movie Final Draw. Like all his movies it works on a low budget but works around its budget by having nice establishing shots that convey the mysterious, spy thriller tone the movie is going for. The acting by all is decent. The main love interest, Kayla, is in general a really charismatic, enjoyable performer I think could go far. I could definitely see her in more mainstream films and TV shows. However AJ, as both star and director, has a silent, intimidating presence that makes him an effective action hero. There is also some nice, fun action movie dialogue to be had between the characters that is both fun and hilarious. Additionally the action is generally well choreographed and paced. With the first 10 minutes you can see the potential to see Final Draw as a fun action comedy-drama. If you like movies such as The Bourne Franchise as well as The James Bond Franchise you should like Final Draw.