The documentary follows a number of different musicians / bands on the 2010 Warp Tour that are all at different stages in their carers. Some having great success and that are "about to become the next big thing" and others in contrast that are selling CD's and having petitions signed just so they can play one show .
The documentary gives a really good sense of the hard work and graft that is takes to become a successful musician / band without the help of a record label. It also explores a few other interesting side stories such as the corporate side of touring that can drain the passion out of artists who feel like music is becoming a job and not something that they love anymore.
Being a fan of the kind of music Warped Tour is associated with, I found this documentary to be interesting on a number of levels (the behind the scenes, interviews, footage of Warped Tour etc) however I feel the documentary manages to achieve a really engaging insight into much more than just "a compilation of warped tour footage" and would recommend it to anyone even if they have no interest in the subject matter / style of music Warp Tour represents.