I was pleasantly surprised to the point of feeling honoured when I learnt that Esther, whom I have only known for 18 months, had chosen my song "Cry For Love" to be included In The original soundtrack for her documentary. My background as a Caucasian singer-songwriter guitarist includes playing lead guitar for visiting reggae artists such as TyroneTaylor, and writing and recording a single "Reggae Man" with Winston Reedy. At first, I thought I should therefore write this review under a pseudonym , so as not to appear biased, but I have rejected that idea.
Yes, I have been a huge reggae fan for 30 years, and my favourite records of all time, in all genres, Include Bunny Wailer's Blackheart Man. I have not seen The "big" Kevin McDonald film, "Marley" so I cannot compare.
So how do I review this? This film cannot, And should not, be compared to a film that enjoys an unlimited budget. Perhaps this would have allowed for a "better" product ...or just different. Who can Tell? Esther's determination has given us this film, this slice of history, on a shoestring. It is what it is, and the world is richer for it. Whilst I look forward to seeing the "other " film, I cannot for a moment imagine that it would even come near this on one very important feature: intimacy.
This is what gives "Making Of a Legend" such charm. Perhaps also that makes it less commercial, as I'm sure the "other" film appeals to a broader, less partisan audience, whereas this is IMHO one the Marley lover. As such it is invaluable, fascinating, charming, revealing, atmospheric, and given the story it unveils, thought-provoking. How can you put a price on the positive influence Esther had on wising Bob up for his journey into the wider world? It also makes me reflect on The huge influence Family Man had on giving Bob his musical grounding, production values, and making the songs memorable with his basslines. For all of which he has been sadly unrewarded.
I love the "fly on the wall" nature of the modern interviews. I love E's photography. I love the music. I feel as if I have been privileged to read the pages of a very private, very special, up-close-and-personal INTIMATE diary. Thankyou.