I heard this is a comedy movie.. so went to see this,alas it was waste of my time and money.. some comedies of suraj venjaranmood was good,and rest was utter waste., director want to show prithviraj as a super gangster with all powers in this movie,but the way he presented him as a gangster was below average(for example the name of his assistant is blade,and the helicopter shot,and dialogues etc.. are not acceptable for advanced audience,and here the movie followed a standard of 1990s).the performance of prithviraj in this movie was disgraceful.He was pretty good in some of his previous movies but here in theja bhai he was searching for expressions to show.
and a spoiled storyline that we've seen several times before with some idiotic additions like buying relatives and giving add in newspaper for relatives and at the end making all this things emotional,as per my opinion story line was also utter waste,. then the same camera and shots that we've been experiencing from long back.
i think there should be some changes to malayalam movies for example if we are considering prithviraj movies alone we can appreciate his movies like Anwar,urumi,.. and I think this is the time for all directors to realize that the level of thinking of audiences are not like previous times..
any way as per my opinion this movies waste of time and money(except some comedy scenes) & I can give only 2/10 for this movie.