As a fan of both the 1967 movie Oliver! And author Charles Dickens, I was excited about watching The Artful Dodger. The casting is extraordinary. Familiar characters are given a twist without that "wet lettuce" Oliver Twist. And yet... I couldn't shake off some of the show's departures from Dickens. Is Fagin even Jewish anymore? Would Dodger really settle into a surgeon's workhorse life? But, a series even bringing up such questions must be doing something right.
The show may share some of Dickens' faults as a writer: moralizing. Of course, our heroine rejects Victorian womanhood and loves science as she should. And she loathes the ignorance and filth around her just as a modern young woman might. But, some of the Victorian tropes from Oliver Twist come up. Do we admire Belle more because she is "the closest thing to"? Just like Oliver was really an heir and not a poor street urchin (sorry, spoiler alert for Oliver Twist.) Maybe Belle the Governor's daughter just reminds me of Hermione Granger at times.
The Australian setting does offer possibilities and perils. But I can't help but mourn what we're losing- Victorian London. Of course, I'm only two episodes in as of now. I'm hoping Fagin will discuss his Judaism and everyone will jaunt off to see Big Ben- but I'm not holding my breath. Dickens based Fagin on a real criminal who was also sent to Australia before being hung- if I remember Wikipedia correctly. I'm fascinated by Ron Moody's take on Fagin in Oliver! And how the actor insisted on avoiding antisemitism from old stage traditions. I'm glad to see another take on the character. I look forward to the next episode. As for Fagin's partner in crime, have no notes on the Artful Dodger performance- it's perfect.