Quite simply, Aazaan is meant to be an action thriller, and it does live up to that genre top some extent. Story is about a RAW agent Aazaan khan, who is sent to find the mastermind behind a deadly virus that is killing people around the world, who is also believed to have the cure. Aazaan also has been given the task of finding his missing brother who is believed to be linked with terrorists.
The concept is weak-something that people nowadays are not very interested in.The editing is poor, for some scenes there is audio video mismatch(poor dubbing). Most actors are cheap. They should have used some standard actors. They have also tried to use the remarkable BOURNE type of action in this. Some scenes move too fast.
But some of the action scenes in the movie are remarkable. So are the various locales where it was shot. Sachin Joshi does a good job. Songs are pretty good.
You can watch this film. But perhaps if it had released at least 10 years before with a few FAMOUS actors, it would've done better.