Hallmark tries a variation on MISS CONGENIALITY as Brooke Burns plays Tanya, a competent young woman working for a private security firm, goes undercover at a rich man's daughter's wedding.
The script is decent, but it feels as if the emotional transitions lack much subtlety as characters change but do so in neat, ratcheting leaps suddenly from one position to another. The script tries to do too much for the cast and crew to handle, dealing with family issues, the mystery aspects -- tracking down who, if anyone, is trying to harm the bride -- and the revelation of Tanya's emotional background.
Miss Burns is all right as Tanya, but it's hard to differentiate the character's discomfort with the situation from Miss Burns' ability as an actress. Nicole Paggi is surprisingly good as Daisy, the bride-to-be who starts as a ditz and remains one throughout, but one with heart.
UNDERCOVER BRIDESMAID is a good Hallmark Channel TV-movie that shows signs of some good work here and there. The uneven realization of details keeps it from being exceptional, but it should be a pleasant experience for anyone who is likely to see it.