I went in blind without knowing much about the series apart from the premise and was pleasantly surprised.
Positives - It deals with all the related rural healthcare issues
Charlatans and Medicine sellers using their very little to no knowledge to take advantage of the poor and in some cases even molest the female patients.
Negatives -
It can be seen that the series was shot on a low budget which really is tragic as useless shoot em ups have millions in resources while actual topics which would help the people are made on shoestring budgets.
So it can be seen time to time that the camera work, editing acting etc are all really amateurish but the WORST is the actress playing the main role of the new doctor. She cannot act at all and seems to forget her lines midway and then just mumble some incoherent gibberish to just get it over with. I mean she is so bad that everytime she is on screen and important things are happening she totally takes me out of it with her dreadful "acting" (if we can call it that).
So all in all if you want to learn about the rural health scene then surely watch this as apart from the amateurish production it is a story worth telling.