I gave the first movie a light pass. "Attack of the 50 Foot Camgirl" was no masterpiece, but it was a nice campy throwback to the 1950s giant flicks. It was fun, dumb, but it knew what it wanted to be. This sequel does have some improvments, but it feels greatly rushed out. In doing so, it feels like a jumbled mess.
Ivy Smith is back as Beverly and she is one of the few things good about this movie. The plot tries to be a Rocky II style movie as the giant lady is reduced to working at a rock quary due to the damage from the last movie. She is paired with a new boyfried and I admit, the chemistry is somewhat sweet. It's nice to see her with someone good natured, whereelse the last movie was more about fame going to one's head.
However, the rest of the movie is a pure mess from there. A manager for a fighter, who is connected to a character from the last movie, seeks revenge by trying to get a fight started with a fighter named Anna ...Conda...who plans to make her big to even up the score.
This movie tries way too hard to be a comedy as oppsed to letting the jokes speak for themselves. The last movie at least had character building humor surrounded by visual jokes that worked for the scene like cocktails made with garbage bins. Here, the sake of story is tossed out the window as we partake in pure slapstick and verbal comedy that doesn't quite land. Highlights include scientsits naming an case "Experiment 69" and relishing with laughter. And moments later, a hot dog apparently whimpers and runs off. I wish I was making this up.
A last minute subplot arrives in the form of a giant alien who comes from a planet that looks like a pair of giant boobs who seeks to conquer Earth and defeat Beverly. However, it is all a little too late as the giant warrior arrives for the final 10 minutes giving a far too brief fight that is not well choreographed and leaves little to be desired.
The only step up is that comapred to "Piranha Women" is that is has a beginning, middle, and end. There's good ideas here and I believed the chemistry of the two leads. Where it falls flat is the Rocky style plot and neverending buffet of jokes that will make one groan more as each joke falls flatter and flatter. And it doesn't help when the highlight of your humor is the boss of the rock quarrey offering sexual pleasure by means of a power tool. How humorous...how...uterrly....humorous...
Maybe I'm soft on this one given it is going straight to streaming. But with Subspecies V and Doktor Death on the horizon, one expects some form of entertainment from an absurd feature like this. I understand B movies like this don't have a high budget, but I don't think there was enough to go all out on this one. It's shortcommings show in the minatures and less said about the CGI, the better. I can forgive the poor effects if the script had a decent story and good jokes to pair it with. All we are left with is wasted potential and the hope they never make a Giantess 3. The lesson to learn here is just because the boobs are big, they do not equal a good time.