Was really looking forward to watching Vichitram on OTT since I missed the theatre release. It took a while, but finally managed to watch it. The movie takes a loooooong time to kick off. Character development and the family dynamics occupy all of the first half. Lots of mediocre comedy and lackluster scenes. The biggest let down is that none of the character arcs are exploited in the second half. Then why did they set all of this up in the first place? Second half has a bit more meat than the first, but again it's too long and dragged out. The entire movie is two hours and 15 minutes long! Also, the ending was such a let down and so implausible. What started as a haunted horror turns into a weird, no pay off ending. Acting wise, Shine, the mother and the other son were okay. Rest were again below average. If you want to watch a good wholesome horror movie which explore family dynamics, mental issues and horror, watch Bhootakalam. This is not even average.