So there are a few issues with this show. Not calling it a reality show because it isn't. These people aren't expected to survive naked and unresourced with no opt-out device - that would be pretty real.
Sick of the heartfelt thanking directed to a dead animal, the life of which was sacrificed in the pursuit of financial gain. None of these people HAVE to be there, so don't dress up killing native animals (and starving their offspring) as an honourable, life sustaining act. Go home and eat a hamburger.
Over the proselytizing, personal justifications, getting in touch with one's roots (seriously?), the living in harmony with the land, the slow and inevitable mental and physical deterioration and unending efforts to cope with this self-imposed and totally needless challenge, driven by the desire for lots of money and to prove some personal ability, ably assisted by survival accoutrements and the ever-ready rescue teams. Seriously?