These words stood out powerfully to me: "what if we skip over all of the begging, the pleading, the marching and the shouting". Juxtaposed to this documentary, I watched a documentary on HBO about Dr. Martin Luther King entitled King in the Wilderness. Both documentaries demonstrated how long we have been in battle for justice and freedom. How long we been reliant upon white people in positions of power to change their values, to release some of their own power, to give something up and allow black people a piece of the pie. This documentary suggests that we can liberate ourselves from that ideology and actually grab our own piece of the pie without waiting for white america to dole pieces of power out at their comfort and discretion. It offers us a tool to think and act upon what we need. Yes, the politics in this country are rooted in white supremacy. However, we need to start using the apparatus within our political institution to gain our freedom and liberate ourselves from white supremacy that exists in our healthcare systems, our education, our justice system, and our political system. An earlier review indicated that it isn't possible with the numbers. I counter that the entire premise of the documentary is to change the numbers game where we already have some advantage to improve our political power position while not aligning specifically with a party but with black power. It's chess not checkers and Charles blow conveys that powerfully in this documentary.