No pun intended - Dahmer seemed to be looking for someone ... because he felt alone. And if you are bleak about life (or realistic), we are alone! Well mostly - hopefully you can find someone that you want to spend your time with. And the same goes for the person when it comes to you. Something that Dahmer was unable to get - or unable to sustain. At least he never felt he could.
There was way more and he was complex on some levels. He was also quite evil - and evil in a sense that he didn't even seem to care. Apart from what it would do to him. He was always in the center of everything. That's why he was not taken aback by the fame he garnered or gathered.
The docu series is ok and works as a companion piece to the show Dahmer - Monster. Which is really good. If you only want to watch one of those two - I'll say watch the other one. Even if it is way longer ... it is worth it, believe me!