Not to be confused with Yu Yu Hakusho, this Ghost Files is a youtube original series by the channel Watcher, hosted by two aspiring ghost hunters / entertainment personalities Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara. The show follows the standard ghost hunter show format, travelling to numerous haunted locations bringing along the standard recording equipment and spector finding gadgets. While ghost tech has come a long ways since the tales of One Step Beyond or the cheesy green night vision of Most Haunted, the believability and scare tactics of the format have barely changed, with few seeking true legitamcy and more a means of light entertainment. This show definitely just adds to this pile, and while many my come to / enjoy this because of the hosts personalities, I can't say it does anything that makes it too worth watching unless you're already big fans of these two. The actual ghost hunting typically involves throwing half a dozen gadgets at the "ghosts" and seeing what sticks; point enough cameras and ask enough questions and eventually you'll get something you can play off as a legitimate response from the other side. Often with dramatic sounds added in post over the so called evidence captured, or failing to get clear audio / video footage of some interaction Ryan swears was a ghost, I just wasn't impressed that with the opportunity to try something new they just copy pasted the long existing format we've come to expect. Booo ghosts.