I enjoyed the 2nd of these more than the first and now I find the third installment quite interesting too. This stuff makes the best campfire stories ever, but there are people who have lost loved ones and this is bracing and very real. Ever since I happened on the first visit of David Paladins on Coast To Coast AM I've felt there was some kind of paranormal element to quite a few of the missing folks in our national parks. Finally, Dave addresses this front and center. He picks some real mind-benders as well as the usual near immaculate disappearances with nothing to follow. I'll give Mr. Palaides points because he pretty much goes off on a real Twilight Zone one with the hunter who in the seventies was abducted by an alien with one cone for a hand! That one is really out there and is almost beyond anything I've heard. The others are downright believably spooky. While this serves as a kind of entertainment to most of us I come back to the lady who begins the documentary and is revisited at the end. You can see the devastation in her face due to losing her loved one to something that has no closure. For every missing person there is a trail of tears the family and loved ones must endure. While it's easy to brush-off a lot of this stuff when it's not your loved one, it is entirely a different matter as we see here. All viewers must process this in their own way, but I find it highly interesting and quite disturbing.