For what appears to be a decent-sized budget, this move is bad. Now I can almost pick out movies where the script was written by AI, this is one of them.
Acting: The acting was overall decent. The daughter and father was a little over the top but over all the actors was able to display the range of emotions effectively.
Writing: No real dialogue, one sentence statement jammed together. ALSO, this is not a disaster movie, this is a family drama movie that has a disaster in it.
Plot Devices: I stopped counting after 15. Everyone or everything happened just in time for the maximum dramatic effect. I have trouble finding people in my house, yet entire family find each other from different parts of the city 10+ times.....without the aid of cell phones.
Mica: Have a drink for each time someone says 'Mica' or Simon' and you will die from alcohol poisoning. So many times an entire scene is a different person screaming 'Mica'.