I like Song Joong-Ki - he is a good actor in the right vehicle - he can do romance and comedy and drama.
He was alright in this - it just didn't call on his acting skills. He was simply called upon to play it tough and intelligent - which he did. What amused me was the fact that he seemed to look younger the older he got.
He arrives with his family in Bogota because his father is useless and has landed them in unpayable debt. Asian parents seem to have no conscience about living off their children.
Guk-Hui soon finds favour with Captain Park who is a Korean immigrant who has risen in the local criminal fraternity. There is a lot of dialogue about trust - nobody trusts each other. Their business is smuggling fake goods to sell in local markets - it seems all Korean immigrants sell fake goods and all Colombian officials and military can be bribed - until they can't.
The story continues with various criminal rivalries which culminate in an assassination attempt on our hero which has a surprising result. Of course the villain is pretty obvious to fans of this genre.
I quite enjoyed it - but it does not sit well with South Korean actors - it's just too familiar fare from Hollywood I suppose.
The ending was as expected. We have seen similar many time before.
The stars are for Song Joong-Ki.