I stumbled on this sub-par film when I was forwarded a link to another film that this production company did, and I started to read their Facebook pages on all of their big-time productions. Well, not really, but in the forgotten back country where it was produced it might be considered big-time. Like when the city installs a stop light and a parade is thrown to celebrate their emergence in to the 20th century. The accolades that they have received appear to be from friends and family who couldn't bring themselves to telling them the truth.
The acting is atrocious and very monotone. Lighting is not suspenseful, and to call the camera work, script, and editing "sub-par" is being quite gracious. Seriously, a horror scene in a brightly lit room?? The "deleted scene" left me scratching my head, wondering why the entire film wasn't one big "deleted scene". Not only did I have to suspend belief to follow the "film", but I really had to suspend belief that the lead character was cast as such a buffoon that he actually went to law school, much less graduated from high school. Or grade school.
As with their other released film, the audio is horrendous. They would do well to go back to school and learn how to record good audio. And write a good script. And operate a camera. And edit. This way the result can at least look like a high-end amateur production instead of a very low-end amateur production.