Very creepy opening prologue for THE HOUSE THAT WEPT BLOOD! The whole thing has this awesome, late '70's, early '80's "Is the Killer in the house?" vibe...
An average American family is getting ready to go to sleep for the night, complete with dad trying to make unsuccessful moves on mom and Junior wandering around the house with a flashlight, afraid of "the bogeyman." There's an obvious rift between mom and dad, they aren't getting along and completely disagree on how best to "discipline" Junior and get him to bed. (Great writing and execution here with painting the characters quickly through actions and dialog.)
But wait...there's a strange sound in the house, something odd. And the wife reminds hubby that "there's been some weird things happening in the neighborhood..." So he goes to investigate, and the suspense ratchets up to high levels as the good father finds things awry in his home, complete with a broken goldfish bowl, a slaughtered family pet, and a cryptic message written in blood on the kitchen wall. It says..."Little pig, little pig...let me in..." But...He's already in, isn't he?!?!
Ahhhh....the hair on the back of your neck should be standing up by now, as it was for me when I viewed this part!
I guess that it wouldn't be a spoiler to say that there IS indeed a maniac in the house, but where it goes from there...well, you'll just have to see the prologue (and hopefully the movie) to find out what happens next!
I found this Opening Prologue to THE HOUSE THAT WEPT BLOOD to be a spectacular hook for a feature film in the fine traditions of such classics as WHEN A STRANGER CALLS, Black Christmas, and a little bit of PIECES thrown in for good measure.
The directing by Stanley Scott Bullock was spot-on and inspired. You can tell that he's a die-hard horror fan with the classy way the suspense and horror material were handled. Much attention was also given to the characters and I found myself wondering (with impending dread) what was going to happen next. The special make-up effects and blood were well executed and the lighting and cinematography were spot on and pro. Acting by the unknown talent was decent overall, everything was pulled off without a hitch, allowing the viewer to become immersed in the tale. The subtle music cues enhanced the overall doomsday tone of the piece and were cleverly laid in.
Can't ask for more than that! I anxiously await for the rest of THE HOUSE THAT WEPT BLOOD to materialize sometime in the near future, especially since this clever and suspenseful opening teaser has just whetted my appetite for more!