Trinil: Kembalikan Tubuhku offers a chilling horror narrative set against the backdrop of Indonesia's stunning natural landscapes, capturing the unique mysticism that is often seen in Indonesian horror films. The movie attempts to break away from conventional genre tropes by focusing on a strong, central female character, offering a refreshing change in a genre where such representation is not always the norm. However, despite its promising premise, the film struggles in several key areas, particularly in building the emotional connections between its central characters, Rara and Sutan. This lack of chemistry between the leads diminishes the impact of crucial emotional moments, making some scenes feel flat and unconvincing.
Additionally, the performances from certain members of the cast fall short, with a few characters coming across as stiff and lacking in depth. As a result, it becomes difficult for the audience to fully invest in the emotional stakes or care about the characters' journeys. Although the film refrains from relying on the overused trope of "jump scares," it occasionally struggles to maintain a consistent level of tension throughout its runtime. At times, the atmosphere feels tense and unsettling, but in other moments, it falters, leaving the suspense to wane. Ultimately, while Trinil: Kembalikan Tubuhku boasts an intriguing premise and a strong visual aesthetic, its uneven character dynamics and inconsistent pacing hinder its full potential as a horror film.