Inamdar is an kannada movie directed by Sandesh Shetty Ajri. The movie casts Ranjan Chatrapati, Chirashree, Ester Noronha in the lead role along with pramod shetty, Mk Mata, Thriller Manju, Sharath Lohitshwa, Raghu Pandeshwar, Avinash, Sanju Basayya and many others are seen in supporting roles. The music was composed by Rockey Sonu and Nakul Abhayankar while the cinematography was done by Murali. The film is produced by Niranjan Shetty Talluru.
Inamdar grapples with a thought-provoking theme, delving deep into the complexities of tribal life and the shadows of prejudice. It offers perspective on the exploitation faced by tribal communities at the hands of their leaders. The story transcends the surface and delves into the multifaceted layers of human existence. However, the film is not without its shortcomings. Excessive violence and a lack of other engaging elements detract from its overall impact. A tighter screenplay could have elevated Inamdar into a more immersive and entertaining cinematic experience.