U R Sunhi and Haewon are mega-political-metaphorical films about the general state and fate of Korea Sunhi and Haewon = Korea, Korea on the cusp, Korea yanked around, Korea caught in its past, Korea yearning for more, Korea cheated, Korea bringing joy, Korea bringing pain, Korea trying to please everybody, Korea f-qq-d over by everybody, a Korea divided, a Korea trying to unify, etc, the daughters of Korea the future, the sons of Korea trapped, the beguiling nature of diplomatic relations between Korea and her various partners, etc I believe people had a hard time with Haewon because of its seemingly sloppy technical direction combined with the seemingly repetitive plot motif (student / teacher relationship) that the director is fixated on But Haewon is not sloppy at all, the film is free, it's purposely free from all cinematic constraints and tricks, no script, no cues, nothing rehearsed, a state of complete freedom....