Though only a pilot, the characters are pretty easy to identify and separate. Right from the start, i'm reminded of It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia for whatever reason, possibly because both seem to stem from the same vein of humor.
There really wasn't a moment where it became tedious, though it was pretty simplistic(but again, this is just the pilot). This is diffidently a show i sincerely hope gets picked up. The acting and playing off each others characters were good and one can easily see where it could get even better if given the chance.
I gave it a 7 because there was only one simple plot occurring and not enough sight gags(though that is just my gripe for a pilot). Absolutely worth seeing. Compared to some of the cookie-cutter, copy-paste sitcoms that get renewed, Those Who Can't is such a welcome change. Arrested is gone and Always Sunny might not be back after next year. Something has to carry the mantle.